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U-M Resources

As a U-M student, you can take advantage of the many resources available right here on campus.

Must know (the Big 4):

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Provides counseling, support groups, workshops and community referrals. Free and confidential for UM students. Check out the video showing How to Make Your First Appointment.

Services for Students with Disabilities (SSWD): Provides free services to students with visual, hearing or mobility impairments; learning disabilities; chronic health problems; or psychological disabilities. They assist students in negotiating disability-related barriers to education; improve access; and promote awareness of disability issues. For more info, see Accommodations.

University Health Service: Health care and health promotion for students. Most services are covered (free) for currently enrolled U-M students. A wide variety of services, including Mental Health Services. If you need more specialized health care, UHS can help connect you to other providers. UHS makes insurance plans available, including the Tuition Refund Plan. If you need assistance with understanding or paying medical bills, Resources for Financial Needs and Medical Assistance. 



Nice to know:

Academic Support Services: A website to help you learn about the variety of U-M academic support services.

Campus Disability Resource Directory: Lists U-M campus resources related to illness and disability.

Campus MindWorks: A website for U-M students with mental health disorders. Provides information and resources to help students manage their illness and get the most out of their college experience.

Dean of Students Office: Provides assistance with personal (i.e. non-academic) matters such as illness, injury, family or emotional issues, etc. The office can also help coordinate notification of student emergencies to the proper academic programs, etc.

MiTalk: A website on mental health for UM students that features a good page on chronic conditions.

Office of the Ombuds: Offers confidential, informal dispute resolution services, provides resources and referrals, and helps students consider options; addresses students' questions, complaints and concerns regarding the functioning of the University.

Rackham Graduate School -- Graduate Student Affairs (GSA)
Strives to enhance the quality of graduate student life for Rackham students. Assists graduate students with personal and academic issues and connects students to other University resources.

University Housing for Students With Disabilities or Chronic Health Conditions: How to apply to receive accommodations in Housing.

U-M Students for Chronic Illness Awareness: Helps students connect with one another and raises awareness about chronic health conditions. Email Support4students@umich.edu and search for us on facebook logo

UM Health System Crohn's and Colitis Program for Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Provides services for college students, including a dedicated clinic twice per month, online information and a support group.